Friday 4 January 2019

Exploring Facebook – Marketing and More

Image result for facebook marketing

Social Media is becoming an integral part for any business and connecting with prospects through the same has a high marketing standpoint. Discussing of social media and letting go the supreme social media app - Facebook is like barking up on the wrong tree. Did you know? Facebook reports for 1.45 billion registered users. If it were a country it would be listed as having the 3rd largest population in the world.

With so much activity happening and the growing number of active users the benefit of being available on Facebook is excessive and obvious.

Now that we know the need, let us have a look on the Facebook strategy that must be put to work

  • Facebook audience - To identify your target audience know your product and service quality and how it matches to the need in the market. Know your ideal customers and tailor your offerings as per their requirement and desires. 

  • Using audience insightsFacebook offers sub categories under the ads manager. The free analytics tool allows you to obtain behavioral and demographic data about your audience to that of your competitors.  Such insight helps in better targeting and is a great way to uncover details in regard to industry trends and consumer preferences.                                 

  • Create content calendar and schedule postManaging posts on social media is not an easy task. To reduce the day to day complications a social media content calendar could help. The calendar could contain posts written in advance which could be scheduled for posting.  
  • Generating leads on FacebookDepending on your business Facebook lead ads could be used. Potential customers with interests in the similar field could be targeted.   

  • Measuring social ROI Maintain your Facebook in respect to the amount of time you have spend on building the profile. Track your ROI through views, reach, engagement, lead generation or a combination of the above.

While we put to use the Facebook strategy for a better brand visibility let us have a look at the various other benefits that follow:
  •          Massive exposure on global scale
  •          Cut down marketing expenses
  •          Focussed target on potential customers
  •          Create brand loyalty and brand recall
  •          Increased web traffic
It is evident that presence of your business on Facebook has a lot of benefit for you and provides a huge growth area. It is indeed an apt marketing channel in recent times. After a week or two of learning the process and knowing how it works you will be able to generate a steady source of conversions and you can tap useful leads.  

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