Saturday 21 July 2012

Pay Per Click concept

If your page does not appear in the top 20 results of a search engine (which is pretty optimistic) likely will not get visitors through search engines, unless you pay for it. Many browsers, however, have a column on the right side of search results where you can purchase a "sponsored link", ie you can list their payment of a fee. This is what is known as Pay Per Click (PPC) or Google Adword

- PPC is the most effective method to get potential customers
- You have the ability to continuously monitor the cost per visitor
- It's simple: the more you pay, the best positions will have on the list of "sponsored links"
- You only pay for visitors who click on your ad
- With PPC you can choose the terms to advertise your products and services
-Generate quality traffic to your website and visitors can read a description of your activity before you click on your ad