Wednesday 6 March 2019

Celebrate the Incredible women in you


Why is it that it gets so easy for someone to tell woman is out of her line? Remember you are not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s time to break the boring stereotypes and bring people’s mind out of the facade of “She is a female”. Regardless of what you think and do, we know the society and their crazy gender thoughts that still somewhere in the corner do exist.

With women’s day almost here the merriment is on for all but does that really continue post the celebration? Why are all of us so confined to respect women on just the 8th of March?

Let us see beyond the inequalities build by us. To bridge the gap build by our own thoughts let us a take a step further. The road is still long. But we together can get this done.    

Women: The changing face

The portrayal of women is being well addressed. Take any factor for that matter – education, financial independence or decision making authority everything now has a better and newer reflect. The high potential of women is now a talk of the town.

There was a time not so far when the society couldn’t sync the thought of women in such places. Any average man had the same thought on a woman. But with revolution blooming everywhere this topic now has a say too. Whether it is the brands, their advertising or the IT sectors, everyone started flying with the winds of change. 

Although, we are not still in the complete permit of this process change, we can still try to make this world a better place with womanhood.

As it marks, International Women’s day, celebrate the progress, celebrate the empowerment, Celebrate women’s inclusion and acceptance, celebrate the fact that the continuing challenges that a woman faces are better addressed.

In fact celebrate each and every incredible women and their roles.