Thursday 31 January 2019

Customer Experience – The Key Differentiator

Consumer experience and satisfaction

Still living in the seller’s market? Well, then you are barely living, because it is a buyer’s market already. Today’s market has increasing competitive arenas which cannot be overlooked. In such a scenario customers and their expectations carry the highest value. A customer whether satisfied or unsatisfied is ought to create a similar influence on the personal networks and peers. Overtaking price and product customer experience is the new differentiator for prospects.

Human Connection

Connecting with your prospects is turning to be a strategic pivot. This is enforcing businessmen to reorient all their operations for and to the customers. Companies are struggling to build the human connect that matters. Take any industry for that case – Retail, Banking, B2B, IT, Automotives – everywhere the core operational capabilities are mastered by how customers perceive the service line and the overall human oriented experience.

Strategies to Growth

To be able to differentiate and stand ahead of the competition positioning is crucial. Here is an abundance of excellent guidance and reliable information as to how you can put customer experience strategies to work.
  • Self- Service
By self service, one does not mean to say put your customers to work. But for the fact that, the customers, especially the millennial generation, do not seek to interact with sales rep for fulfilling their needs and wants. Moreover, the comfort zone plays an important role. This is not just for simple non durables but also for B2B and other complicated products.
The purchasing power of consumer is increasing and therefore it is advisable to give them the power of buying so that they make apt buying decision and have a enhanced experience on the whole.
Consumers using mobile

  • The Mobile World
Mobiles apps have overtaken pretty much everything from desktops to personal visits. The little device now is evidently the most effective channel for communication and information. Consumers tend to spend most of their time on mobiles and this makes it clear for companies to optimize their marketing techniques accordingly. All must adopt the mobile first mentality to hang in and around the customers all the time.
  • Make use of the explosive growth of digital marketing
With digital age in peak it is imperative to have a social connect. Social engagement is rapidly being the necessity as customers tend to follow the brand on channels for up to date information. Create connections on social media for constant engagement. Advertise well and do regular posting on social media to interest the followers. Digital channels are also effective to ensure brand recall by the viewer.

With so much just at the fingertips of consumers, organisations need to focus on creating an experience that brings back the customer. The highly informative consumer demands for value all the time. They would research on mobiles, contact their peers, and if needed analyse with multiple competitors on social media. Therefore to be on the right path and to clinch your target audience ensure to deliver a story they feel worth sharing. 

Friday 4 January 2019

Plastic – The battle of the ban

With high flexibility, higher durability and affordable cost all of us have grown relying on plastic as a part of our day to day life. For most of us it is like a nightmare to let go one of the best modern day convenience. Now that it has become a threat there has to be efforts to fully integrate the major step. Take any ban or development for that matter the success is always dependent on two major factors: the government and the people. A ban could always turn to a passionate change if the environment as a whole moves with it. Only the citizen has it whether to take this with enthusiasm or let go the same as a feckless citizen.   

Debating over the use and how it would affect the business of 1000’s is not going to give plastics the power to not be harmful. Although, plastic was initially invented as a solution to be long lasting and environment friendly, no one in the hurry realized that it would last so long that it would do no good to the society and future generations. The disastrous waste that plastic brought with itself has put is in a state where we are left with nothing but to stop it completely.

Increase the usage of other alternatives

They say – Be the change you want to see in the world for which we need to be globally powerful and one to defeat the plastic battle. It is agreed that other options fall under not so great alternatives as the role plastic played in our convenience is exceptional and unrivaled. But what if someday your close one is sick and the physician asks to stop consuming certain food items, won’t you put in your heart and soul and insist them the same? Well, the environment is sick and tired of plastic.
Finding alternatives is not as cumbersome as we think it to be and we already have a list of alternatives that pop up in newsletters and social media channels every day. It’s time to just stop being concerned and switch to doing something practical about the same.

Let us take a step to worship nature and let our initiative to beat pollution gain strength and inspire the world to do the same.

Exploring Facebook – Marketing and More

Image result for facebook marketing

Social Media is becoming an integral part for any business and connecting with prospects through the same has a high marketing standpoint. Discussing of social media and letting go the supreme social media app - Facebook is like barking up on the wrong tree. Did you know? Facebook reports for 1.45 billion registered users. If it were a country it would be listed as having the 3rd largest population in the world.

With so much activity happening and the growing number of active users the benefit of being available on Facebook is excessive and obvious.

Now that we know the need, let us have a look on the Facebook strategy that must be put to work

  • Facebook audience - To identify your target audience know your product and service quality and how it matches to the need in the market. Know your ideal customers and tailor your offerings as per their requirement and desires. 

  • Using audience insightsFacebook offers sub categories under the ads manager. The free analytics tool allows you to obtain behavioral and demographic data about your audience to that of your competitors.  Such insight helps in better targeting and is a great way to uncover details in regard to industry trends and consumer preferences.                                 

  • Create content calendar and schedule postManaging posts on social media is not an easy task. To reduce the day to day complications a social media content calendar could help. The calendar could contain posts written in advance which could be scheduled for posting.  
  • Generating leads on FacebookDepending on your business Facebook lead ads could be used. Potential customers with interests in the similar field could be targeted.   

  • Measuring social ROI Maintain your Facebook in respect to the amount of time you have spend on building the profile. Track your ROI through views, reach, engagement, lead generation or a combination of the above.

While we put to use the Facebook strategy for a better brand visibility let us have a look at the various other benefits that follow:
  •          Massive exposure on global scale
  •          Cut down marketing expenses
  •          Focussed target on potential customers
  •          Create brand loyalty and brand recall
  •          Increased web traffic
It is evident that presence of your business on Facebook has a lot of benefit for you and provides a huge growth area. It is indeed an apt marketing channel in recent times. After a week or two of learning the process and knowing how it works you will be able to generate a steady source of conversions and you can tap useful leads.