Monday 18 March 2019

Employee Engagement: A new wing to your Brand

Employee engagement
Empower employee engagement 

According to a study, Companies with engaged employees see 233% greater customer loyalty and a 26% greater annual increase in revenue. Now that’s a massive figure. Isn’t it?

Not just research but our own understanding also knows the fact that employee engagement is directly related to the growth of the organisation. Employees with high sense of well being and job satisfaction are an organisation’s major asset. While a business may or may not fall behind due to lack of technology, the perception of the team may put the scenario to work.

Worsening drastically day by day, employee- employer relationship is an alarming issue among the growing youth population. Loyalty plays an essential role and yet is on the decline? The duty of loyalty is not rigorously one sided as believed. It takes two to bring it on. It’s tricky and hard enough to be able to say that one could create a holistic brand image single handedly. Business results come from a team and one must always focus on employees to maximize the impact of growth.

Tap the inherent in employees 
Strategy to employee engagement
Employee Commitment 

Most of the companies never actually get on track to tap the full potential of their employees. If it requires change in some process it is advisable to adapt the same. Give employees ownership rather than keeping it all under one head. Potential isn’t ever confined to getting tasks done on time. It is much more. Better communication flow, work- life balance, growth opportunities altogether can bring in a productive work environment.

Automating processes is good but how far are we helping self growth?

Not that automation and upgrading to newer technology should be limited, but are we even giving a look towards the development of an employee as an individual. Work is better when flexible. Companies should use technology to better collaborate workers and organisation goal. Technologies can enable newer level of engagement and much more personalized work experience. It is the future of growth and connection.  Virtual technology, social networking or any other development in the field boosts employee morale and pulls in higher interactions.

Integrate recognition

Recognition has the greatest impact when taken as a factor for employee engagement. Employee rewards and honours needs to be frequent to keep up their spirits. Integrate recognition through multiple employee touch points.  

Connecting with our own resources isn’t hard, it just takes some work. And once it gets a start it gets the flow. Employee engagement has a huge space and is a continuous journey, which means no matter where you are currently you still have the ladder to climb.

By adjusting the overall view about employees and their engagement one can bring a massive change. All that one has to ensure is that: 

“When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home”

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Celebrate the Incredible women in you


Why is it that it gets so easy for someone to tell woman is out of her line? Remember you are not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s time to break the boring stereotypes and bring people’s mind out of the facade of “She is a female”. Regardless of what you think and do, we know the society and their crazy gender thoughts that still somewhere in the corner do exist.

With women’s day almost here the merriment is on for all but does that really continue post the celebration? Why are all of us so confined to respect women on just the 8th of March?

Let us see beyond the inequalities build by us. To bridge the gap build by our own thoughts let us a take a step further. The road is still long. But we together can get this done.    

Women: The changing face

The portrayal of women is being well addressed. Take any factor for that matter – education, financial independence or decision making authority everything now has a better and newer reflect. The high potential of women is now a talk of the town.

There was a time not so far when the society couldn’t sync the thought of women in such places. Any average man had the same thought on a woman. But with revolution blooming everywhere this topic now has a say too. Whether it is the brands, their advertising or the IT sectors, everyone started flying with the winds of change. 

Although, we are not still in the complete permit of this process change, we can still try to make this world a better place with womanhood.

As it marks, International Women’s day, celebrate the progress, celebrate the empowerment, Celebrate women’s inclusion and acceptance, celebrate the fact that the continuing challenges that a woman faces are better addressed.

In fact celebrate each and every incredible women and their roles.  


Friday 1 March 2019

The continual growth in technologies and the impact on future

Technology and futuristic growth

“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow”. Doesn't this make you stop and read it over again? 

The process of technological integration links pretty much everything in this globe from infrastructure, manpower, day to day chores, computing accounts to what not. Whether it is about organised manufacturing, better efficiency or streamlining business functions through a combination of innovation and applied science together with research and development one could move mountains.    

The new software development technologies and approaches that come along help us merge the physical, digital and biological world, assures to transform humankind and the style and standard of living. The changing technological paradigm serves us well and will continue to help us grow. There are many areas and examples where technological transformation and integration has taken place in the recent times. Here is a gist of the same.

Internet of things
Impact of internet of things

Lately we have all come across new technical terminologies one of which is Internet of things. The birth of internet of things took place due to the convergence of multiple technologies, machine learning, other systems and sensors. It refers to all those applications and devices that are accessible via the internet.


The physical real world and the virtual world have intertwined so well that one cannot easily know whether this is computer generated or a real life thing. The sounds, videos, the graphics and now even the smell, the technology has helped us experience it all. All the industries from architecture, entertainment and healthcare have brought in Augmented reality and virtual reality where they create new realities through sense, sound and vision and provide great entertainment.    

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and the future
Intelligent machines and computer programs help accomplish various tasks. Through artificial intelligence one develops intelligent softwares and systems based on human brain thinking. It is nothing but implementing human intelligence in machine i.e. machines would understand, behave, think and learn like humans. 

Apart from the above there are also various other areas that transcend technology like Smart cities, Robotics, Advanced imaging science, Machine learning and much more.

From the above what is clear is that we have now entered an era where life and its activities are connected to technology from end to end, be it buying a daily need or connecting to someone miles away, technology has brought a blend to all, bringing in a new renaissance. But we will always have challenges on how to put to work the same. No matter how well worth and promising the technological solutions are there would be some hindrances. Evidently, everything is transforming with science and technology and it would continue to pave our future.