Friday 27 July 2012

How to dispaly LinkedIn Badge in blog?

Click ‘Edit Public Profile Settings’ in the upper right-hand corner of the Profile page.

Click on the ‘customized buttons' link found in the Public Profile box.

Choose a logo button and copy the HTML code provided next to it. This code will include a link to your public profile.

Paste the code on to your blog, message board or website.

Happy Blogging !!!

Saturday 21 July 2012

Pay Per Click concept

If your page does not appear in the top 20 results of a search engine (which is pretty optimistic) likely will not get visitors through search engines, unless you pay for it. Many browsers, however, have a column on the right side of search results where you can purchase a "sponsored link", ie you can list their payment of a fee. This is what is known as Pay Per Click (PPC) or Google Adword

- PPC is the most effective method to get potential customers
- You have the ability to continuously monitor the cost per visitor
- It's simple: the more you pay, the best positions will have on the list of "sponsored links"
- You only pay for visitors who click on your ad
- With PPC you can choose the terms to advertise your products and services
-Generate quality traffic to your website and visitors can read a description of your activity before you click on your ad

Wednesday 18 July 2012

What is Social Media Optimization?

Social media optimization could be considered as one of the methods of search engine marketing, yet there are few differences too. The main focus of Social media optimization is to drive traffic from sources other than search engines.

Some of the SMO activities include:
Blog commenting
Forum commenting
Classified submission
Social bookmarking
Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter) etc...

Monday 16 July 2012

Create Sitemap

Adding a site map -- a page listing and linking to all the other major pages on your site -- makes it easier for spiders to search your site.

Friday 13 July 2012

SEO Tips

Make your URLs more search-engine-friendly using clear keywords.

For example , the following URL "" describes clearly and easy to understand that what you are looking for, if the URL stated as "" its less and doesn't make a way.

Concentrate on URL which should target the keywords ...

Thursday 12 July 2012

SEO : Types of Directory Submission

The following are the types of directory Submission

  • Automatic Directory Submission
  • Manual Directory Submission
  • Niche Directory Submission
  • Paid Directory Submission
  • Free Directory Submission
  • Reciprocal Directory Submission
  • Bid for Position 
  • Deep Link Directory Submission
  • Regional Directory Submission
  • Video Submission
  • Link no follow Submission

Wednesday 11 July 2012

What is Web Hosting and its types?

A Web Hosting is a Internet Hosting Service which is used to access the website of a Company or an Organization among WWW.

Types of Web Hosting Services are:

  • Shared
  • Dedicated
  • virtual Private Server